Helping Hand for Converting Selenium Scripts into JMX Files. selenium scriptsThe conversion of existing Selenium scripts into JMX files empowers you to produce load test scripts and use functional Selenium tests. Rather than keeping up JMeter scripts and updating them each time your web application transforms, you can easily convert selenium script to JMX files.

However, you need to keep up functional selenium test scripts during the application development lifecycle. In this way, when you need to execute load tests then a well maintained updated functional tests are already present.

Moreover, you need a Taurus, an open source automation tool for automating the complete process, by building a pipeline of useful selenium automation scripts.

In the case that the selenium scripts passed, Taurus covert them into JMX file in JMeter and runs the load test utilizing JMeter.

How to convert selenium script to JMX?

1st Step: To start a conversion, utilize the latest version of Taurus (1.6.6 or above) and Install Proxy2JMX file converter Taurus Module.


2nd Step: Place the Selenium scripts in the Taurus Examples registry.


3rd Step: This can be found in the Selenium examples registry.


4th Step: The setup would resemble like this screenshot


5th Step: As indicated by the setup, Selenium will perform iteration 1, utilizing the scenarios from the “dir” catalog. The converter will utilize a proxy recorder to create “Keen JMX”.

6th Step: When you will run the test, Taurus will release and execute the Selenium test. This will utilize the proxy to change over the traffic into JMX.

7th Step: Once the activity is finished, utilize JMeter to open the subsequent JMX.

8th Step: You will see the structure of the requests.


9th Step: Now launch the test in the ‘View Results Tree’ and see the converted selenium JavaScript.


Congrats! You would now be able to use your functional tests to script your load tests.

We also use Selenium test automation framework for automating our testing procedures and providing best automation as well as manual testing services to our customers all around the world.

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